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(B) Top Trumps *ASS GIGA 2006* Tier-Babies

Product no.: 00644

In stock: 10
Delivery period 3-9 working days

Price plus shipping

Title: Tier-Babies
Year: 2006
Top Trumps No.: 730060
Language: german
Manufacturer: ASS Altenburger
Format: (B) 9,9cm x 6,2cm
Special features: no
Recommended age: 8 years
Condition: NEW (sealed)

A1: Hauskatze A2: Berner Sennenhund A3: Islandpferd A4: Hamster B1: Hase B2: Reh B3: Wildschwein B4: Igel C1: Fuchs C2: Präriehund C3: Siebenschläfer C4: Biber D1: Murmeltier D2: Braunbär D3: Steinbock D4: Steinadler
E1: Elefant E2: Löwe E3: Zebra E4: Känguru F1: Tiger F2: Schimpanse F3: Koala F4: Gorilla G1: Flusspferd G2: Seepferdchen G3: Fischotter G4: Weißstorch H1: Eisbär H2: Kaiserpinguin H3: Sattelrobbe H4: Rentier

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